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Images Business Of Fashion March 2019

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Dear all,
Welcome to March, a high adrenaline month for all of us at the IMAGES Group for obvious reasons. As I write this, everyone at the office is busy in putting together a bigger and better edition of the India Fashion Forum 2019 (IFF).
This issue will be a tribute to the upcoming forum, complete with a curtain raiser to the event.

In keeping with our flagship event, we bring you the third annual chapter of ‘Meet the Masters’. Like in previous years, this edition attempts to pick the minds of some of the most prominent and visionary stalwarts of the fashion industry. It is our fi rm belief that CXOs of the fashion retail industry, as the fountainheads of thought, are the ones that will shape India’s fashion vision in the coming years. And as the industry is poised for quantum growth, it is absolutely critical to hear them out.

The Indian fashion retail market is progressing with giant strides, propelled by increased penetration of organised retail, which in-turn rides the rising disposable incomes, changing demographics, increasing brand consciousness and the e-commerce boom. In this competitive, modern age, retailers are required to have comprehensive insights to keep pace with concurrent market dynamics and address challenges and this is where the invaluable insight of these retail behemoths come handy. We hope that their knowledge laden insights will encourage and aid you to re-evaluate and reshape your fashion retail aspirations and pave the next way forward.

In the meanwhile, I look forward to seeing you all at the India Fashion Forum 2019, Renaissance, Mumbai on the 27th and 28th March 2019. This year, we aim to celebrate and honour the developments and achievements in the fi eld of fashion retail in the last one year and as it does every year, this year too will host a venerable gathering of the who’s who of the industry in the country.

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