Today’s consumer is educated, well-travelled, evolving and demanding more from brands than ever before and as a result, retailing today is undergoing a revolutionary change. It has become all about re-structuring, re-formatting, re-skilling and re-connecting with consumers. With the advent and progress of technology, the task of enhancing customer experience has become easier.
Unfortunately, despite the fact that software and devices are easily available and aff ordable for many, technology is a very complex unit. To overcome this obstacle, retail fi rms throughout the world are on the prowl for men and women who excel in the fi eld, who will help them acquire and seamlessly integrate this technology in their company, to ease the buying process for consumers. Th is specialist is the Chief Information Offi cer or the CIO – the technology backbone for every retail organisation. Th e CIO focuses on aligning a business’s evolving goals with appropriate information technology. He engineers teams which create, and ultimately implement, technology which the company will use both internally as well as externally. He also aligns the in-store and e-commerce strategies, thereby developing a wholesome Omnichannel strategy for brands.
Th e July 2018 edition IMAGES Retail brings its readers a list of Indian Retail’s Top CIOs. Th e cover story will walk you through their journey, work, top innovations, challenges faced, achievements, as well as their predictions on how retail will change, technology-wise, in the next 10 years.
Th is edition also does a deep dive into Odisha’s retail market, which is gaining prominence as the new hub of retail in East India. We also bring you detailed coverage on the biggest retailers across verticals and mall developers to get the lay of the Indian retail landscape.
As always, we hope you fi nd the issue informative and benefi cial. Do log on to our website, to read great features and analyses on the stage of the global retail industry with an emphasis on India.