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Shopping Centre News – February 2022

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WhatsApp and SMS Marketing add strength to Digital Campaigns of Shopping Centres

The marketing of a retail shopping centre is critical in helping the overall property performance and help tenants thrive in terms of bringing in customers and making profi table sales. The marketing plan not only describes the strategies that the mall management will deploy to attract and retain tenants but also to bring in more and new shoppers to the centres.
Ever since the pandemic, the shopping centres had to suff er a lot. As things are improving, the mall developers are once again back to their drawing boards and are restrategising their marketing plans to get out of the crisis in hand. A storm of global trends hitting overall sentiments at the same time is now the cause for the centres/ malls to change the role they play in people’s lives. No longer shopping or discounts or events are the primary factors.
Now, when customers visit malls, they are looking for experiences that go well beyond traditional shopping. And fi nally, the e-commerce revolution and the rise of digital technologies are fundamentally reshaping consumer expectations and shifting the sheer functional attributes of stores towards more useful and entertaining customer experiences.
The sole agenda of marketing be it for the shopping malls or the retailers has been to make the target audience aware of their exciting off erings. Moving away from large events and huge gatherings, the pandemic taught us to keep the spirit high and fi nd new ways of survival. Malls today are adopting integrated marketing, social e-commerce, rewarding digital campaigns etc, as it helps to make the malls more visible in the mind of the consumers, even if when they are not at home and not shopping. The February edition of the Shopping Centre News talks about the new initiatives by the shopping malls in marketing both on the digital/online and offl ine platforms. We bring our readers the analysis of successful marketing campaigns done by some of the malls in recent times.
As always, we hope you find the issue informative and useful. Log on to our website https://www.indiaretailing. com/category/shoppingcentre/ for more features, analysis and expert opinions.

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