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Images Business Of Fashion – July 2020

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Dear everyone,

It has been about a month since stores have opened doors to consumers but market sentiments continue to be gloomy. The consumer is still struggling to cope with the pandemic triggered stupor and this has made retailing extremely challenging. An overwhelming percentage of consumers have cut down on fashion expenditure and a majority of the remainder now prefers to shop online. Over the month, we have witnessed how consumer expectations are continually escalating. Consumers today are focusing on “safer” modes of product evaluation and consumption, and preferring businesses who prioritize hygiene and buyer convenience. Thus, stores that have opened up are faced with the conundrum of coming up with measures that allay their fears about safety and hygiene. At the same time, fashion businesses are forced to review their core markets and operating model as well as device innovative engagement strategies that fi nd relevance in the new normal – something that a majority of brands and retailers are struggling to keep up with.

And this is what the July edition of IMAGES Business of Fashion, Unlock 2.0 seeks to help you all out with. This issue has been curated to aid brands and retailers of every size and scale across the country in assimilating to the new normal in fashion retailing. We discuss in details how brands can instill trust and confi dence in consumers by creating a safe and healthy shopping environment as well as choosing the right retail technology.

Moreover, the issue also highlight a slew of marketing and communication strategies employed by smart brands to entice consumers and steer ahead amidst these uncertain times. Over all, this issue will help fashion players across India in preparing their contingency plan for the near future.

For FAQs pertaining to shift in market dynamics, consumer sentiments and on all things related to fashion retail, do log on to our website, www.indiaretailing.com. Cheers !!

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