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Images Retail – January 2021

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It has been a tough one year for the Retail Sector. The onset of COVID-19 and the shutting down of stores and malls indefinitely was a challenge no one had predicted. The pandemic has been a oncein- a-lifetime test of business continuity planning for retail businesses across the globe. Even when things have stabilized to an extent and economies are gradually opening up, the industry is being confronted by a hard question – what’s next? With little to no revenue in sight for months, brands and retailers turned to those who they have always looked upon to lead them when the going gets tough – their CEOs/ MDs/ Business Heads.
The January 2021 edition of IMAGES Retail brings to its readers, a curated list of decision makers, their strategies in countering the pandemic on grounds of planning, decision making, investing in new areas, resuming business, implementing digitization, technology, innovations and also ensuring safety to the employees and consumers.
The CEO Special will walk readers through the steps taken by them to bring the brand firmly on the road to recovery, innovative consumer experience, new technologies introduced, future plans and also highlight their leadership skills during this adverse situation. A sound digital transformation strategy has become indispensable to retail today. While there have been numerous discussions and debates on the meaning and benefits of digital transformation, there are few real-life references of successful digital-led 360-degree retail evolution. The edition also features a session from ‘PHYGITS LIVE’ which was conducted on January 12, 2021. The session will walk our readers through a first-of-its-kind case study presentation showcasing retailers and technology partners jointly presenting a crisp PoC narration from challenges to solutions.
We also hope that the New Year brings a new hope – aside from new concepts, technologies and innovations for the retail industry, globally and in India.
As always, we hope you find the issue informative and useful. Log on to our website https://www.indiaretailing.com/ for more features, analysis and expert opinions.