Home Books India Phygital Index 2021

India Phygital Index 2021


The India Phygital Index 2021 is a first-ever in-depth Multi-channel Commerce Preparedness Report of 250+ Indian Retailers and Brands.

Covered in the Report

  • 8 overall truths of Hybrid Commerce adoption
  • Change management, organisational restructuring, technology adoption, stages of customer journey.
  • 10+ categories and five phases of the customer journey
  • Analyses of Awareness, Evaluation, Purchase, Service, Loyalty


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The Index will focus on eight overall truths of Omnichannel adoption, ranging from change management to adjusting the organisation to a digital reality, to why technology adoption is a must and which stages of the customer journey a brand needs to focus on. Furthermore, the index will cover 10+ categories and provide an overview of the five phases of the customer journey — Awareness, Evaluation, Purchase, Service & Loyalty.